Sunday, July 27, 2008

Do you know...

Jack? If you get a chance please go to . I promise it is worth it. His mother is one of my advisors.

This morning I went to the Keynote with Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States. He was a Great Speaker. His general message was about prevention.

Then I went to my breakout sessions on advocacy. The first presenter was the Co-founder of Grassroots Solutions, Dan Kramer. He spoke about how to get more people involved in your cause.

Then we spent sometime practicing what it would be like to speak about your cause with government officials. They broke us up into groups of two and then we had to do a mock presentation to a "Senator". Currently my group is in second place. Who knew I had the gift of gab? (Stop Laughing!)

The evening session was given by Dr. Harold Freeman. He is the founder of the Ralph Lauren Cancer Center in Harlem, NY. Dr. Freeman has been a physician for 41 years. He said he had the option to practice anywhere in the country. He chose Harlem because he thinks it is wrong that people are not given the treatment they deserve because of their status. He was one of those people that you could just sit in a room with for hours and listen to him talk.

The main thing I learned today was that everyone has a story. Every person "knows" cancer.

Jeff from Maine, was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a 4 year survivor.

Hank from Ohio, has head and neck cancer and is a 2 year survivor.

Gloria from Chicago, (who works with people that have FAS) is a 10 year breast cancer survivor.

Nicki from Washington, her mother is a 2 year colon cancer survivor.

Lynn from Nashville, has a son who lost his battle with cancer, but has a mother and sister who is fighting it.

Being here makes me grateful for my health and for those I love. Each day is precious.

This was another guest blog from Curly. Thanks Curly for sharing your experience at LiveStrong!

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