Friday, September 19, 2008


Anonymous said...

Love this! I cannot believe that people can't "get it" just seems so easy to me...the more "noise" we make maybe the more will hear! Keep it up! I posted a couple that I like also today! Take care! Stephanie

Maureen Lee said...

Thank you for posting this video - you're right, Stephanie: the more we speak out against the use of the 'r' word - as being completely unacceptable - the more people will stop and think.

The video points out that this word has a "cultural history behind it", and just as we no longer accept the use of the 'n' word, we need to join hands and insist on a new vocabulary to replace this degrading term.

FAB said...

Ditto, ditto ladies! I now have a bumper sticker on my car admonishing the R word, and have lectured a few of the servers at my second job (college students, who use the word every other sentence). We can change anything we want to if we just speak up, and tell people it's not okay! thanks!